Meet Mollie

Mollie Welch LGBTQ NMLFF Ignorance Project Intersectionality

Mollie Welch lives in Boston where she writes copy for Ovia Health — a women's health startup. She also volunteers with Planned Planned and NARAL Pro-Choice, and previously worked at Fenway Health  — an LGBT health center. She lives to listen to and share women's stories. You can find her nodding her head vigorously, trying to keep up with the right terms to describe what she's thinking, or walking the long way home over the Mass Ave bridge.

With my portion of the Ignorance Project, I want the staff of No Man's Land examining intersectional identity in the outdoor industry. A goal for these workshops is to work within the framework of No Man's Land as an organization with multiple platforms (website, social media, regional events) and tiers of representatives (staff, ambassadors, social media followers). NML touches a lot of people, and this project is about helping NML exert its mission—to redefine femininity in adventure, sport, culture, and conversation—even more intentionally and successfully.