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Virtual No Man's Land Film Festival - Prescott, AZ

We hope to host the NMLFF screening as a catalyst for discussion around biases, exclusivity, and disproportionate representation in the outdoor field. We hope, that with the 'Diversify Our Outdoors' program, we will be able to hold space for important connections and conversations between our Adventure Education students and our Social Justice students. We aim to get a few professors from both departments to participate as guest speakers and allow time for students to share personal anecdotes. We also will include a segment that acknowledges the BLM movement so that we emphasize how the context of race today in the U.S. may impact the outdoor fields moving forward. Ultimately, the NMLFF meets Prescott College's mission and we want to use the festival to emphasize the importance of identifying what may be in the way of diversifying the adventure education field and put a spotlight on the niche challenges found at the intersection of race and gender in the outdoors.